marți, 14 mai 2013

Small Marketplace layouts (Houses layout)

    This is the first layout i have came up with. I won't lie to you, i have not tested it to see if i got the measurements right, i promise you, that as soon as i will have some extra space on my island, i will test it and maybe improve it.

    Until then, this is a 4 Small marketplaces layout. I made the layouts together for those in the early parts in the game. I will also add a single small marketplace (please remember to leave the reads around the marketplace, as the coverage area radius doesn't start from the center of the marketplace)

The Chapels may not cover all the area, but if the houses are full of people, you will not need extra chapels, through you may not upgrade them. Feel free to add chapels on the left and right if you need them. The -4 gold won't be felt at all.

For now, I don't know if 1 Carpenter house is enough to cover all the houses, so i placed 2 in each corner.

I will have to work a little more on the Medium Marketplace, as it has a different radius and unusual dimensions. Until next post, comment, test the layouts and give me some feedback :)

5 comentarii:

  1. Love the layout guides of yours. Keep them comming!

  2. Again, your building sizes are incorrect, which makes these layouts not valid. The chapel is 5x3, not 4x3.

  3. Again, here's my little fix for this one.

    1. Actually, I'm playing around with this one, quite a few houses are out of market range, ignore my previous layout.

  4. Chapels in this are too small (4x2) instead of 5x2
